Log of a DevOps Noob Day 10

(Wed 15.11.2023)

Today I learned an important lesson – if you feel lost/don’t know what to do

ask your team if anyone needs help or if you can watch any ongoing deployments to learn

doing this quickly sorted out a problem I had accessing [REDACTED] which lifted a stone from my chest – finally, I could do some stuff!

We had the Tweekly and suddenly – I got a notification

A TICKET WAS ASSIGNED TO ME “Wohooo” – this happened twice 😀

then I learned the second lesson of the day CREATE TICKETS – whether you start working on a prototype, working on deploying something or getting a request from a colleague to write a quick script – create or ask for a ticket to be created

it gives the Project Managers a better view into what DevOps is doing – The team internally knows they do work but it can be difficult for the other departments to see what we do

back to the tickets! It was my first deployment – a colleague helped me and we did it side by side (spoiler tomorrow I did the first on my own!🎉 Wohoo)

during this an error occurred – something to be tested internally was missing [REDACTED] – now the real lifting began

talking to other people telling them X happened/does not happen – and figuring out what to do

this took a good chunk of time and I am grateful to my colleague for handling the rest <3

I had a concert to catch! (Against The Current – Vienna – Simm City – It was a blast!)

See ya tomorrow ^-^

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