Log of a DevOps Noob Day 11

Yesterday’s concert was a blast – I heave myself out of bed – back hurting, feet pulsating and eyes crusty – Blessed be the Home Office! – my commute time is bed to desk <3

NOW I FINALLY UNDERSTAND that’s what people mean when they say they keep development in house I see }:3 (although it could easily be “keep developers in the house” – which is a crime – don’t do crime)

Now let’s get to work! – the day started with an introduction to the database we use – and scripts to help you interact with it

during the explanation we figured out we could automate some setups in the local setup of the scripts – I asked my colleague if he could create a ticket for me (LESSON LEARNED) and I would gladly help him! (Little did I know I would be banging my head against the wall at 10:00 pm trying to solve the ticket problem)

Yesterday colleague asked me to do the same deployment for a different namespace šŸ˜€ -which I was able to do alone! I had an aha moment finally understanding the architecture better because I was on my own after the expƶenarion and side-by-side deployment from yesterday

Afterwards, he would run [REDACTED] on them to change [REDACTED] In the deployment ^-^

after that was done we got the idea to create a Python tool that would act as a safety net making sure we don’t deploy versions out of sync with other platforms

again I cannot go deeper into it for confidentiality reasons – (I wish I could cause all this technology excites me)

then I created my first ticket for it (ye seeing a pattern }:3)

I took a 30-minute break and continued to spend a good 5-6 hours on what I assumed to be a 10-minute problem because GitLabs API decided to be difficult that day – so I spent time prototyping the other tool instead

As for the “10 min script” I was determined to sleep a night over it and ask my colleague in the morning if he can run the API call (permission issue) – if he can’t (then I’m probably fed up somewhere -> (wrong API call? – I got it from the official docs) – whatever it is – that aha moment is going to be astronomical!

see ya tomorrow when we hopefully can crack this case wide open ^-^

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