Thinkpad laptops should be erased from the face of the earth – better said the keyboards – giving me programmer dyslexia – (yeah I now confuse FN and CTRL after switching from work to private laptop)
Ima set a reminder to change those buttons the next time I open up the laptop 😀
So what beautiful things did I do today? – well not much I only worked for 2 h from 10-12 since i already amassed some extra hours on the time application – more time to play games, work on programming projects and get a home lab project going again 😀 (well more VPS/root server than home lab at least for now >:3)
I finally have permissions – got my first task today (essentially just upgrading something) I can do hands-on – got taken through the steps – and the requests start to pile in now that colleagues know I can help and have permissions to do so
helped a friend for an hour – got shown how to _REDACTED_ and it was all in all pretty cool 😀
Stay tuned for the future }:3 until next time
Sebi out 😀